WHAT we do


EyeSee is one of the fastest-growing and experienced data collection team operating all over the country in Bangladesh. Data collection field services can offer many different but effective ways to gather all of the data needed to give you the best insights for your research project. When interviewing respondents for your project, EyeSee can provide all of the necessary channels to reach the most relevant audience, including quick and efficient online mediums or more in-depth traditional methods such as mail or in-person surveys. Whatever methods are used, EyeSee can help you reach the widest audience possible and ensure you have access to the most relevant audience for your data, whether you are working to reach thought leaders and experts in a certain field or just the everyday consumer. No matter the field of research you specialize in, EyeSee can help you with all of the interviewing and data collection needs for your project.

Our Mission

Our mission is to be a complete service support company from A ……. to…… Z of marketing functions and one of our activities includes associated field resource planning, recruitment, data collection, QC …. to presentation of findings. Our team consists of highly experienced professionals in the field of Business planning & Analysis, Project management, Field activation, Product launching, Market research, Social research, Field Operations, Data Analysis and Brand management
in multidisciplinary fields and functions.

Core Capabilities